IĀ help Real Estate Agents pay less in taxes
Speaker for Real Estate Associations & Brokerages
AutomateĀ Your Accounting
ReduceĀ Your Tax Bill
IncreaseĀ Your Wealth

Hey, friend!
I'm Greg Antipoff, a certified public accountant (CPA) and a real estate tax strategist.
I am known as The Real Estate Accountant, for my dedication to helping real estate agents keep more of what they earn. This is achieved by walking agents through my signature “Financial EKG: Earn, Keep, Grow” framework.
With so much emphasis already being placed on how agents can “Earn” more, I choose to focus on helping agents “Keep” and “Grow” what they earn.
My knack for making tax and accounting topics easy to understand and humorous leaves agents educated, entertained and ready to take action.